Thursday 6 February 2014

Preliminary Task Filming

Filming went reasonably well. As a group we managed to complete the task in about an hour. By  delegating the workload between the group, it enabled us to get on with things and get the filming done quicker.

When filming we did it all by hand. Looking back on it if I were to do it again, I would consider using a dolly as it would have made our piece look smoother and more professional. Handheld filming is okay and can look effective, however it depends how it is used. Therefore parts could have been handheld and parts could have been with the dolly. Also this would show off my skills and then
when I come to evaluate, give me something to talk about.

A dolly. You then attach a tripod into this. Makes shots smoother, rather than bumpy handheld shots.

Some of the shots we used did make it look good. For instance the tracking shot from behind before the match on action. Also the shot reverse shot was fairly effective as it showed both characters from there perspective which allowed the audience to understand how both characters were feeling.

The main difficulty we faced when filming was ensuring the lighting was good. This is because although on screen it looked fine, when it came to watching it back, it was very dark and hard to make out the characters. Therefore we had to film each scene a couple of times to ensure we got the lighting and quality that we needed. Besides this we faced no real problems when filming. To try and overcome this problem we tried to film during the brightest points during the day. This is because where we were filming, there were no lights, instead big open windows. Therefore when it was bright it made filming easier, again though, we had to get it right so that we didn't get a glare. Overall, we managed to overcome the majority of these problems.

Screenshot from our preliminary task showing the difference in lighting. High key here..
In comparison to here, where its low key.
Overall, filming went quite well and finishing the piece and having something to show for our hard work makes it feel very worthwhile and rewarding.

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