Monday 3 February 2014

Preliminary Task Idea

For our preliminary task we had to create a short film which included a shot revers shot, match on actions and ensure we stuck by the 180 degree rule. Also we needed to have two people exchanging dialogue.

In my group we had the idea that we would have two people as our actors, our aim was to keep our storyline simple while ensuring the camera work was good. Being our first time using the cameras we knew we would need more time to practise and focus on camera work, so by spending more time ensuring the filming was good rather than worrying about the storyline was ideal. The storyline itself was one boy walks through a set of double doors, here we use a match on action. Then as he walks through the door there is another boy the other side. They then have a face off and exchange glares before one of them throws his rubbish in the other ones face. This is the basic storyline. During the exchange of glares we use the shot reverse shot to show the audience exactly what each person is seeing from there point of view. This is our idea for our preliminary task.

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