Monday 31 March 2014

Types of Opening Sequences

As technology improves, opening sequences improve and become better. This can be seen by looking at the history of opening title sequences and seeing how they have improved from the 1920's to present day.

Titles superimposed on a blanks screen (1920's)
  • Very simple ( White text on a black background) 
  • Very cheap to produce
  • Some low budget films still use this

Titles accompanied by still images (1930's-1955)
  • Make it visually appealing
  • Tend to be longer
  • Musical score accompanies it

Titles accompanied by moving images (1955- Present Day) 
  • Music accompanies symbolic images
  • Meaning of images ambiguous until later on in the film
  • Normally no dialogue 
  • Moving titles often have music in background 
  • Range from simple view of clouds to movement of camera

Titles built around animation and motion graphics (Late 1990's- Present Day)
  • Animation Text was very popular
  • Soundtrack had a distinct sound
Opening sequence titles have changed lots. However nowadays, anything goes and all of these techniques are still used. No doubt in the future as technology continues to improve, the film industry will introduce many new types of opening sequence techniques and it will change the way audiences engage with film.

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