Friday 7 March 2014


Certification is an element of film distributing. It is not the same as censorship. Censorship is the practise of cutting or preventing access to materials. However, classification is restricting access to material on the grounds of age. Film classification is not only very important, but is also a legal obligation. This is because without having a classification and being checked by the British Board of Film Classification(BBFC), audiences could potentially view materials not relevant to them (based on age). Also it's because the audience needs to be protected from materials that may cause harm. Finally they must have classifications too fit in society. Therefore we must consider broader public opinion in mind with regard to language.

All films are classified by the BBFC which is a self regulatory body made up of film industry representatives. It was first set up In 1912 and is still used present day. Initially local councils were in charge of cinemas, this meant that although the BBFC gave films classifications, local councils could chose to disregard this and give it a different classification. This led to a lot of controversy in 1993 with the film Mrs Doubtfire because some councils gave it a PG rating, others gave it a 12. By 1984 a new law was passed, the 'Video Recording Act', meaning the BBFC now had full authority and the classifications they gave the film was used all round. 

As of 24th February 2014, new guidelines are being introduced. These new guidelines are being introduced because after the BBFC spoke to 10,000 member of the public, they felt changes could be made to help improve the film classification system further. The results from the BBFC were that 95% of parents with children under the age of 15 check the film classification before viewing. 89% believe film classifications to be important and that 92% of the 10,000 film viewers they spoke to, agreed with the film and video classifications of films they had recently watched. The changes the BBFC are putting into place are there due too public consultation, to ensure the protection of audiences and so that film production companies know what they can and can't put into a film, should they be targeting it at a specific audience.

This sort of information and research will help me when I start to produce my film titles and opening. This is because I need to consider my target audience. To do this, this sort of market research will be very important. I will also need to decide whether or not to chose my film certification before or after producing my piece, as this may have an influence on the sort of product I end up making. Before making my titles and opening, I will research into films in the same genre as the one I'll be creating, so that I can get an idea of the certification that they have been given.
Demographic Groups

These are the grades of social status. Peoples social grades are based upon occupation.


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