Sunday 30 March 2014

Research into films of the same genre and how I will attract audiences

Some well known Crime/Drama films..

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

The Dark Knight (2008)

Both of the above use very intense scenes to help attract the audiences. Although the Silence of the Lambs is slower paced, all the scenes are very tension building and lead the audience to believe something is going to happen. By building the tension up, it holds and engages the audience. This is a good way to ensure your audience are always aware and stay focused throughout. The Dark Knight approach to keeping and engaging audiences is very different. They use very intense fast paced scenes which include lots of cuts from scene to scene. This makes it harder to follow and therefore audiences have to pay attention. The high intensity also builds tension until the film reaches its climax.

Some generic conventions of Crime/Dramas are:

  1. Usually set in well known locations (prolific, big inner city areas)
  2. Dramatic music to build tension
  3. Weapons (Guns, Knifes etc.)
  4. Drugs
  5. Blood
  6. False Accusations
  7. Murder
To ensure my film opening attracts my target audience I will ensure that the opening scene interests audiences by building tension and making them want to watch the rest of the film. I will also include as many as the typical generic conventions that you would expect to find in Crime/Dramas into my film opening.

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