Thursday 20 March 2014

Audience Profiles

Different audiences view different genre of film. This means that when making a film, it's important to know the demographic of people that will be interested in your film.

I did some research into the sort of films people liked, I took a strategic sample of 15 females and 15 males. I then asked them to then fill out the questionnaire that I made, of which you can see below:

My Questionnaire:

With the completed questionnaires back, I analysed the data, I then inputted it into graphs and tables and this lets me see the sort of people who would be interested in my film.

Results from Survey:

Out of the 30 people who answered my questionnaire, 25 people said that they had watched a Crime/Drama with only a small minority (5) having never watched one. This is good because shows to me that people would be interested in watching my film and therefore engaging with my film opening meaning I should have quite a wide target audience of which I can tailor my film opening to suit what they want from a Crime/Drama.

Out of the 25 people who had watched Crime/Dramas, the main age group was between 13-24. Therefore this is the age I should be targeting my film towards. This is the main take up of the market for Crime/Drama films. Closely following this is age 25- 36. Therefore I know that I need to aim my film for ages ranging from 13-36. This will be hard and I will need to refine it down to a more targeted age group because otherwise it's impossible to cater for such a wide range of audiences because things adults (aged 18+) would want to see in a Crime/Drama could not be incorporated in something that a younger audience, which I know from my results do watch Crime/Dramas, would want to see. Also I have to bear in mind film classifications and the sort of things I would be allowed to include and how this would affect where the film falls in terms of ratings and terms of what audiences could or couldn't watch the film.

From this, I can see that the majority of people who watch Crime/Dramas watch it with friends. This is probably because some of the main things we would expect to find in a Crime/Drama would be swearing, illegal activities and quite a lot of gore. Therefore, this probably isn't something you would sit down and watch with your family, as the results show! Quite a lot of people, based on the results, watch these sort of films on their own, being the genre it is, they are usually very full on, action packed and entertaining. This therefore meaning you can get away with watching it on your own because it is very intense and always has your attention so you wouldn't get bored.

Based on my random sample of 15 boys and 15 girls, Crime/Drama's were most popular with 8 people choosing this to be their favoured genre. This was closely followed by Comedies which received 7 votes. From this I can see that based on my results, people are very fond of Crime/Dramas which means as long as I create a good, stand out opening for my film, people should then engage with this, like the look of it and therefore want to see the actual film.

Out of the 30, originally 25 people had watched Crimes/Dramas and 5 had not. This graph shows that 25 people would be interested in a new Crime/Drama, 3 would not be interested, and 2 maybe. This is good because originally 5 people hadn't ever seen Crime/Dramas so now 2 are considering seeing one, meaning after answering this questionnaire they may go and watch one. This is beneficial because it means my target market would be expanding ever so slightly.

This sort of information is beneficial when aiding me to complete my piece because I know that people are interested in the genre my films in already, meaning people will want to see my film. Also it will help me because from my research I can see my main target audience, meaning I can specifically target a certain market. Also it helps me get an idea of the range of ages that people are from in terms of who watches this genre. This means that then I can see the type of things I may want to think about including in my film, and the sort of things I might want to not include, based on age and personal preferences of the majority of my target audience. 

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